Preserving Tradition: Randall’s Jewelers, A Local Gem

Randall’s Jewelers in Oakland Park has served the community for decades and continues to be a popular store for jewelry repair and special gifts.
Dr. Lani Braun Offers a Refreshing Alternative to Traditional Healthcare

Traditional medical insurance, which is called fee for service, in the 21st century is a frustrating maze of high deductibles and premiums, preauthorizations for necessary procedures and tests, limited appointment availability and unkind claim denials. Many Americans don’t realize that health insurance has changed drastically since the 1970-1980s, when HMO policies offered $100 deductibles and […]
Tony Sands: Unconventional Training for Athletic Excellence

“Train like an animal, play like a beast” is legendary former NFL Arizona Cardinal football running back turned dynamic athletic trainer Tony Sands’ trademarked motto. For aspiring high school and college athletes, distinguishing oneself as a superstar can be a daunting and lonely goal. Tony Sands of Get Sandsational athletic training, makes that superstar goal […]
Restoring Vitality: A Refreshing Approach to Total Body Healing

Have you ever felt like a trip to the medical doctor is a frustrating cycle of symptom masking prescription medicine with countless side effects? Integrative health practitioner and functional wellness coach Sidney Jackett felt that same frustration with allopathic medicine. She brought her refreshing total body healing practice, Restoring Vitality, to Fort Lauderdale on March […]
Rehaus Vintage Furniture Store: Local, Sustainable, and Eclectic

Saavy, web graphic designer Kelsey Curran fell into her vintage furniture business by accident. After purchasing her home in Andrews Gardens in 2016, Kelsey frequently purchased and switched out furniture pieces from Ikea, thrift and antique stores as a hobby. Quickly, she sold her recycled pieces to free up space for her revolving furniture purchases. […]
Krav Maga International Brings Israeli Combat to Oakland Park

Krav Maga International in Oakland Park teaches the Israeli martial art of combat. It is one of the few gyms
GrandMasters Piano, A Timeless Art, Here To Stay

Piano businesses are sadly a rarity in our computer driven world. In the early 20th century, before the dawn of computer technology and social media fever, pianos were a hot commodity, with over 364,000 sold in 1909 in the United States. Today, only 30-40,000 pianos are sold a year, a decline linked primarily to time […]
Doula Martha Lerner: Empowering Women Through Their Childbirth Experience

Most women are understandably terrified of one of life’s biggest events: Childbirth. For Martha Lerner, Miami native, certified birth doula and self-described “birth nerd”, the study of childbirth was something in which she was always interested and about which she was always passionate. From an early age, she regularly took birth classes and studied breastfeeding […]
Bitz and Buttons: A Nostalgic Delight in Broward County

If you cried like me when toy stores like Toys R Us and Kiddie City closed their doors years ago, you need to visit Bitz and Buttons toy store, ASAP! “Creating memories one toy at a time” is the slogan of the kitschy, sentimental brick and mortar toy store, and these words are glaringly true. […]
Method Health Heals Patients Through Wellness Focused Care

Ben Franklin astutely said, “He is the best physician that knows the worthlessness of the most medicines“. Have you visited your medical doctor recently and felt hurriedly shuffled from waiting room to exam room? Typically you experience a 5 minute interface with your doctor or PA, only to leave with a symptom chasing prescription drug? […]